

Settling the Spins

What can physiotherapy do for vertigo?

Vertigo and vestibular dysfunction is more common than you think. Over a third of people over the age of 40 have experienced some form of vertigo, and nearly 85% of those over the age of 80! According to recent research vestibular dysfunction is the cause of as much as 45% of dizziness cases.

Often times these types of things will resolve on their own over time, that is if your patient enough to wait it out. In the case of BPPV, 50% of the time it may even recur. However, with vestibular physiotherapy treatment we are able to directly effect your vertigo immediately with manoeuvres specific to the type of vertigo you are experiencing. And we can teach you the tools to fix recurrent episodes on your own.

Be sure to have a chauffeur for your vestibular appointment, as we’ll need to stir up your dizziness in order to determine the best course of treatment, and occasionally it will get worse before it gets better.

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