
Community Involvement

Giving back to Chilliwack and the Fraser Valley.
We love this place!

We support a wide range of active-lifestyle organizations in the Fraser Valley. After all, health people make a healthy community!

  • Chlliwack Football Club

    Remmert’s involvement with CFC goes back for over 20 years. It started as a soccer coach to all his 3 kids from U5-18. The highlight was winning the BC Provincials Championship with a great group of girls and parents at the U18 age group in 2015.

    After his kids moved on to University, Remmert has continued to work closely with CFC head coach Glenn Wilson. He took up the position as a technical director and has been responsible for injury management and prevention for all the youth teams.

    Together they are responsible for teaching parents and coaches proper injury management and prevention using in-house education sessions and CFC website clips.

    Check out some of the great information available here: Chilliwack Football Club

    Video of Remmert giving warm-up tips:



  • The Arthritis Society of BC

    Having experienced arthritis himself and seen it in many members of his family (ankylosing spondylitis), Jeremy has a unique perspective and motivation to help people in Chilliwack with arthritis care. Whether it be his clinical work, his work with custom knee bracing, or his work in telerehabilitation, he frequently finds his career converging on arthritis management.

    He is currently working with the Arthritis Society and local surgeons to bring better arthritis care and are resources to Chilliwack to assist in the goal of improving these services in the Eastern Valley.

  • Special Olympics

    Remmert has been fortunate to be part and work with the Chilliwack Special Olympics soccer group for the last 3 years alongside head coach Delaney Kirkness. This group of amazing athletes has given him more than he could ever give them. They have taught Remmert many life lessons: that participation is more enjoyable than winning, that it’s good at times to show your emotions in the open, and not to sweat the small stuff.

    Every time he is leaving the field after helping out at the soccer pitch he leaves with a smile on his face that is larger than when he came.

  • UBC Department of Physical Therapy

    FusionPhysio is committed to strong ties to UBC. We have extensive relationships at the University of British Columbia and have participated in research and innovation programs. Most recently, Jeremy was the Project Manager for the University’s Program for Excellence in Telerehabilitation Education and Research program and he continues to work with stakeholders in this field. Physiotherapists are Masters-level, university-trained healthcare professionals. At FusionPhysio, we believe that a strong, continued relationship with the primary academic training centre in British Columbia is critical to continuing to our clinical excellence.

  • Physiotherapy Association of BC

    FusionPhysio is a strong supporter of the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia. We give of our time and work hard to continually improve physiotherapy care and access for all British Columbians. Our positions have included board membership, manager positions, and committees. Jeremy continues to serve as the association’s eHealth Manager and volunteer on the PABC Business Affairs Committee.

    We believe that active professional involvement helps us to stay up-to-date on the evidence and healthcare system knowledge that contribute to effective care for you.

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