
Bracing / Foot Orthotics Recommendations Assessment

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Sometimes You Don't Know What You Need . . .

We can help! We’ve seen most of the braces on the market. By reviewing your medical history and performing a physical assessment, we can help you determine what is most appropriate for your unique needs.

Physiotherapist Assessment for Bracing / Foot Orthotics Recommendations

Is there evidence that a brace will work for your condition? Is a prefabricated version sufficient or do you need something custom made? Will insurance cover it? Let our lead bracing and orthotics physiotherapist assess your needs and give you recommendations considering all aspects of your diagnosis and lifestyle requirement. Your assessment will include:

  1. Review of your diagnosis and relevant injury and medical history
  2. Review of Imaging if available
  3. Physical assessment of motion, strength, and biomechanics including gait analysis and functional assessment as required
  4. Review of your lifestyle needs (daily activities, sports, work requirements)
  5. A review of resources for potential funding options
  6. Recommendations for the appropriate device
  7. Assistance in the necessary paperwork and processes for potential funding from insurance, government. plans, or other funding sources (extended benefits, WorkSafe, RCMP, etc)
  8. Appointment arrangement with our Virtual Physician Partners for referral  if required
  9. Recommendations for other treatment in addition to, or in place of bracing / orthotics if such is indicated

The assessment is billed as a Physiotherapy assessment, cost of $95 and is covered by by most insurance plans. If you are getting a custom brace or custom foot orthotics, the cost of the assessment is included in the cost of the device.

Contact FusionPhysio to Book an Appointment
Questions About Insurance and Benefits?
Sometimes it's hard to figure it all out. We can help!

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Paris Orthotics
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