
Knee Osteoarthritis Care Services

Improve your quality of life, reduce your medications, even avoid knee surgery!

Book your Knee Osteoarthritis assessment now!

Great News for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients in Chilliwack!

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Knee Osteoarthritis can be managed well!

So, you’ve been diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. Now what? Well, the first thing to realize is that you’ve joined a club with a huge membership. You are not alone. Knee Osteoarthritis affects over 4 million Canadians. That’s 1 in every 7 adults! In Chilliwack, there are about 12,000 who have received the same news.

While a lot of people getting the same disease is not a great thing, there is one silver lining. A lot, and we mean a lot, of resources have been poured into studying knee osteoarthritis across the globe. As a result, we have a lot of great research that tells us just how we can manage osteoarthritis effectively. Not only that, but there are organizations dedicated to consolidating, organizing and communicating the summarized results of the best studies to patients so they can manage the condition well and continue to live full and active lives, even avoiding surgery in many cases! One of these is the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), and there are others as well. OARSI gathers the findings of studies from all across the world and published guidelines on the most effective forms of care for knee OA.This means we know what works and what doesn’t the it comes to knee osteoarthritis!

Wait, what? I don’t have any idea how to manage my Knee OA! 

Unfortunately, there are a lot of gaps in our Canadian health care systems. While your family doctor and / or orthopedic specialist will usually handle any medications, injections, or surgery you might need, they will typically not have a lot of time for going over the more ‘conservative’ aspects of care.And even if you d need injections or surgery, the wait times in Canadian systems is often long in painful. But please, don’t just wait in pain. There is so much you can do through physiotherapy, education, exercise, self-management, bracing and more. The evidence shows us that for the majority of knee OA patients, these can be the most important part of knee osteoarthritis management.

Why FusionPhysio’s Knee OA Care? 

This is where FusionPhysio comes in – giving a complete conservative care plan and recommendations to knee OA clients. Using our 4 Pillars of Knee OA Care Approach, we work closely with our local family physicians and specialists to complete your care plan. With our knowledge of OARSI and other guidelines, and our decades of experienced care, you can get the the care and coaching you need all under one roof – no running around to various facilities to get education, bracing, exercise, etc – we have. it all here. Some patients will only require one treatment and recommendations and access to our free online resources, while others might be appropriate for 4-6 treatments and the gradual introduction of knee exercises. We can even team you up with our nutrition and weight loss partners, The Wellness Garage, if you need help in weight reduction. And we do this all using standard physiotherapy treatment funding, meaning you can use your extended benefits to fund your Knee OA services. .


“Love my new knee brace, Jeremy!  I walk the golf course for 3 1/2 hours with the brace support and have minimal discomfort and tiredness.  Thank you!!!!”
Marilee R


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